<bgsound src="./media/Only Trust Him 1.mp3" loop=false>
     GOOD NEWS to all! Sin and death has been defeated, by Jesus our Savior, who is the Christ/Messiah. He came, He died and paid the penalty of sin for us all, then rose from the dead, making it possible for us to live forever in a new heaven and earth in which only righteousness will dwell. Oh, YES! Its absolutely free to you! You don't have to do one thing (not a single work of the Law), except receive God's free gift of everlasting life by faith alone, in Christ alone. This is the "Free Grace Gospel". It's plain and simple. We invite you to receive everlasting life today!

     If you feel compelled to just do something, their is more Good News. There is plenty for you to do in this life to prepare for the coming Day of God, the Good News of His Kingdom. Jesus has gone to prepare it for us and we must prepare for its coming. He has left us His Spirit, for those who have believed in Him, until He comes, to assist us in overcoming the power of sin that still dwells within us. If we live by His Spirit and remain in His Word we will learn to trust Him more and more, knowing Him more deeply, acquiring an abundant eternal life with Him.

     If you have already received the free gift of everlasting life, do not be mislead by many who want to not only add just one thing, but a long list of things for you to do. Oh YES! It's still FREE! An it always will be.


     This site is an information station, primarily designed for the purpose of explaining, clarifying, promoting, and defending the "Free Grace Gospel", for there are many who have subverted the Gospel of Grace and stand in opposition to the Christian faith. Whether you have heard of the the Free Grace Gospel or not, please go to "What is the Free Grace Gospel?" for proper clarification. It may not be what you think or what you have been told.

     Our secondary purpose is to properly distinguish the Free Grace Gospel from issues related to discipleship. Go to the web page "Grace and Growth" for proper  understanding of the distinctions. The distinctions are further explained on the web page "Life Salvation and Soul Salvation". Unfortunately, many have blurred the distinctions, so go to "Free Grace versus Costly Grace" to avoid any confusion. Many have made "False Accusations" against the Free Grace Gospel -- we plead, NOT Guilty! Are you confused "What is True Saving Faith? We offer a clean, refreshing glass of clarity. What are we here for? "Exceeding Glory", for those who diligently seek it.

A visitor to our website wrote this,

I discovered your website while looking for some free grace articles. I have read your sermons and listened to the "What is the grace gospel?" series. All I can say is "hallelujah"! I live and attend church in the Shawnee, Kansas, area. I attend a church here and sadly I was called down by the pastor for pointing out the errors of John MacArthur and lordship salvation in a Sunday School class that I teach. Our pastor issues a different version of the gospel each week...sometimes emphasizing public confession and sometimes repentance of sins etc. Your doctrinal statement and whole website is so incredibly clear in preserving the simplicity in Jesus Christ! I made your site my homepage...keep up the great work.

     There are messages from Dr. C. Norman Sellers, TH.M (Dallas Theological Seminary) who taught New Testament Greek, Bible and Theology at Miami Christian College, Trinity College and National Bible College for over 40 years. He was also a pastor and mentor of many students and pastors who have gone on to successful ministries of their own. Many of Seller's Sermons were recorded at Twin Lakes Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida over a 20 year period. There is a link to Sellers Bible Institute, formally National Bible College where you can to receive a real Bible College Education. Want to learn New Testament Greek? Click Here! Dr. Sellers went to be with the Lord on Sunday, October 25th, 2020. He is now enjoying his eternal life in heaven waiting to return with the Lord to establish His Kingdom on the earth.

     There are also an array of sermons and theological studies all from a Free Grace perspective by Ray Losey, who has a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Communications and Bible from Miami Christian College, and a Master of Arts in Religion from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Presently attending Plantation Baptist Church.

PLEASE NOTE, all messages are all FREE and DOWNLOADABLE!





Jesus said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life" (John 6:47)
He was a Shepherd of the flock, serving willingly and eagerly, without dishonest gain, nor lording it,
an example to
the flock, who has received the crown of glory.
Real Life Testimonies of the Transforming Power of the Free Grace Gospel
Grace Evangelical Society's Mail Bag
Grace in Focus Magazine

"I was saved by faith 20 years ago, but was immediately introduced to a works-based gospel. Over the last 20 years I have been drowning in doubt, despair, and depression. I have recently been reading Free Grace teaching and realize how wrong that works teaching is. I am slowly coming out of bondage."
"Free Grace theology helps me to handle the Word of God more accurately than ever before."
"Free Grace theology helps me to handle the Word of God more accurately than ever before."
"I've been a spirit-filled Christian for 30 years and thought I could lose my salvation. Then, I discovered Free Grace Theology and I am fully convinced of my assurance of eternal salvation."
The Free Grace Gospel is presented in "a good, clear, and uncluttered manner without works."
"The Free Grace approach has literally given me relief. Unsure of certain Scripture, now I am sure. The simplicity of the Gospel is there. It has taught me to rethink old traditions."
"After being introduced to Lordship Salvation type studies I began to question my salvation. I became very confused about repentance and felt very unsettled when judging my fruits of salvation status. The more I studied the more confused I became. I could not find any clear answers. After some research into Free Grace teaching, primarily on repentance, the concepts at first sounded very strange and foreign to me. After reading and studying the material I couldn't help but to be persuaded. It was logical and just plain Biblical. After studying the Bible even more and considering the Free Grace view, I realized how nonsensical Lordship Salvation sounds"
The Free Grace Gospel "promotes greater clarity of the Gospel."
"After reading Free Grace material everything stated to click."
We were raised in "Reformed doctrine that taught you couldn't know for certain of your salvation. Now we are free, thanks to the Free Grace Gospel."
"I love the message that we are eternally secure and saved by believing in Jesus"
"The Free Grace Gospel has renewed the joy of my salvation."
"When I heard the Free Grace Gospel it was the first time anyone clearly and accurately explained how a person gets eternal life. In many ways it changed my life for gaining assurance in my eternal destination, giving me confidence in for reading the Bible for myself and not leaning on pastors or teachers exclusively for interpretation."
Free Grace teaching is the light shining in the darkness of a world full of works-gospel that leads to despair."

"I have been saved for years, but have lived with a spirit of doubt and fear due to poor teaching and improper understanding… but thanks to Free Grace teaching, for the first time, I feel free! Not only do I feel free, I am free!"
Free Grace "ministries are like a lighthouse to warn believers from being shipwrecked on the rocks of Calvinism and Arminianism."
The Free Grace Gospel "opened my eyes to many amazing truths that I was unaware as a Christian."
Gospel of Works
The Gospel of the Grace of God that was proclaimed by Paul, was the Gospel he received from the Lord Jesus.
(Acts 20:24)
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord"
(Rom. 6:23)
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves;
it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast"
(Eph. 2:8-9)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"
(John 3:16)
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
(2 Tim. 2:15)
"Come, Let him who thirsts, come. Whoever desires, let him take water of life freely" (Rev. 22:17)

Remembering "Rev"
A Video Tribute

Now "Sellers Bible Institute"

     The Free Grace Gospel is not just our free ticket to heaven, but is the first step in God's comprehensive three step plan of full and complete salvation of our body, mind and soul, resulting in exceeding glory for those who persevere in costly growth--Grace, Growth and Glory.

     Also, feel free to roam the site and see what else we have to offer.
This is no ordinary site. There are things that set us apart from most other sites. Mainly a plain and simple presentation of the Gospel of Grace, and very insightful teaching on the Word of God, all from a Free Grace perspective. The Free Grace perspective will truly make a difference in your understanding of the Word as you grasp God's free grace in truth (Col. 1:6b). And it can restore the joy of your salvation. It is a common sense approach to understanding our great salvation. No advanced seminary degree necessary.
New Book